Featured Photo: Russian soldiers at a polling station in Moscow

Russian soldiers at a polling station in Moscow

Russian soldiers hold their identification at a polling station in Moscow. March 4, 2012 (Natalia Kolesnikova/AFP/Getty Images)

Vladimir Putin won the 2012 Russian presidential election with 63.64%.

They Say: Charles M. Blow

After all, Mitt Romney is the same multimillionaire who joked that he was “unemployed” while he was “earning” more in one day than most Americans earn in a year and paying a lower rate on those earnings than most Americans do.

This is the same man who bragged last month that he liked to fire people at a time when nearly 13 million people are out of work and who accepted the endorsement this week of Donald Trump, who has made “You’re Fired!” his television catchphrase.

Charles M. Blow in Romney, the Rich and the Rest, The New York Times.

Featured Photo: Voters in the Cairo slum, Egypt

Voters in the Cairo slum of Manshiyet Nasser line up at a polling station November 28, 2011 (Yuri Kozyrev/TIME)

Egypt began landmark democratic elections on Monday, the first since the February ouster of long-ruling President Hosni Mubarak.